No package
AbstractControl_CodeGenerator | |
AjaxTimingForm | Class AjaxTimingForm |
BBCodeParser | |
CalculatorForm | |
ComplexColumn | A type of column that should be used when the DataSource items are arrays |
Event | |
ExampleForm | |
Examples | |
ExampleService | This is the Base Class for ALL classes in the system. It provides proper error handling of property getters and setters. It also provides the OverrideAttribute functionality. |
ExamplesForm | |
HtmlJqDoc | |
InjectForm | Class InjectForm This is aa test of javascript injection. It tests the ability to use ajax to insert a control into a form that also depends on other javascript files. |
JavaScriptHelper | Class JavaScriptHelper: used to help with generating javascript code |
JqAttributes | |
JqDoc | |
JqIcon | |
Method | |
MyControl | Class MyControl A text box to test the setAdditionalPostVar function's abilities, including ability to pass a null value. |
MyQSlider_ChangeEvent | Base class of QEvents. Events are used in conjunction with actions to respond to user actions, like clicking, typing, etc., or even programmable timer events. |
NavPanel | Class NavPanel |
Option | |
Order | |
Project | |
ProjectPickerListBox | This class encapsulates the logic of populating a list box with a set of projects. |
QAbstractCacheProvider | abstract cache provider |
QAbstractHtmlTableColumn | Represents a column for a QHtmlTable. Different subclasses (see below) allow accessing and fetching the data for each cells in a variety of ways |
QAbstractHtmlTableDataColumn | An abstract column designed to work with QDataGrid and other tables that require more than basic columns. Supports post processing of cell contents for further formatting, and OrderBy clauses. |
QAccordion_ActivateEvent | Triggered after a panel has been activated (after animation completes). If the accordion was previously collapsed, ui.oldHeader and ui.oldPanel will be empty jQuery objects. If the accordion is collapsing, ui.newHeader and ui.newPanel will be empty jQuery objects. Note: Since the activate event is only fired on panel activation, it is not fired for the initial panel when the accordion widget is created. If you need a hook for widget creation use the create event. |
QAccordion_BeforeActivateEvent | Triggered directly before a panel is activated. Can be canceled to prevent the panel from activating. If the accordion is currently collapsed, ui.oldHeader and ui.oldPanel will be empty jQuery objects. If the accordion is collapsing, ui.newHeader and ui.newPanel will be empty jQuery objects. |
QAccordion_CreateEvent | Triggered when the accordion is created. If the accordion is collapsed, ui.header and ui.panel will be empty jQuery objects. |
QAjaxResponse | Categories of ajax response |
QApplication | |
QApplicationBase | This abstract class should never be instantiated. It contains static methods, variables and constants to be used throughout the application. |
QArchive | QArchive class helps extract archives (ex. zip) |
QAutocomplete_ChangeEvent | Triggered when the field is blurred, if the value has changed. |
QAutocomplete_CloseEvent | Triggered when the menu is hidden. Not every close event will be accompanied by a change event. |
QAutocomplete_CodeGenerator | |
QAutocomplete_CreateEvent | Triggered when the autocomplete is created. |
QAutocomplete_FocusEvent | Triggered when focus is moved to an item (not selecting). The default action is to replace the text fields value with the value of the focused item, though only if the event was triggered by a keyboard interaction. |
QAutocomplete_OpenEvent | Triggered when the suggestion menu is opened or updated. |
QAutocomplete_ResponseEvent | Triggered after a search completes, before the menu is shown. Useful for local manipulation of suggestion data, where a custom source option callback is not required. This event is always triggered when a search completes, even if the menu will not be shown because there are no results or the Autocomplete is disabled. |
QAutocomplete_SearchEvent | Triggered before a search is performed, after minLength and delay are met. If canceled, then no request will be started and no items suggested. |
QAutocomplete_SelectEvent | Triggered when an item is selected from the menu. The default action is to replace the text fields value with the value of the selected item. |
QAutocomplete_SourceEvent | Special event to handle source ajax callbacks |
QAutocompleteBase_CodeGenerator | |
QAutocompleteListItem | |
QBaseClass | This is the Base Class for ALL classes in the system. It provides proper error handling of property getters and setters. It also provides the OverrideAttribute functionality. |
QBorderCollapse | Class QBorderCollapse: css "border-collapse" property for QDataGrid |
QBorderStyle | Contains the borders type-names that can be used in the CSS 'border' property of block-type elements |
QBrowserType | Class QBrowserType: Type of browsers we can identify |
QCache | This is the Base Class for ALL classes in the system. It provides proper error handling of property getters and setters. It also provides the OverrideAttribute functionality. |
QCacheDeleteAction | The Delete cache action to be queued and replayed. |
QCacheDeleteAllAction | The DeleteAll cache action to be queued and replayed. |
QCacheProviderAPC | Cache provider based on APC interface. APC or APCu can be used. APC and APCu are not included in standard PHP, but are easily added with a pecl install. |
QCacheProviderLocalMemory | Cache provider that uses a local in memory array. The lifespan of this cache is the request, unless 'KeepInSession' option is used, in which case the lifespan is the session. |
QCacheProviderMemcache | Cache provider based on Memcache |
QCacheProviderNoCache | No-op cache provider: No caching at all. Use it to disable caching support. |
QCacheProviderProxy | Cache provider that records all additions and removals from the cache, and provides an interface to replay them on another instance of an QAbstractCacheProvider |
QCacheSetAction | The Set cache action to be queued and replayed. |
QCalendarType | Class QCalendarType: [Currently unused] |
QCallType | Type of callbacks supported by QCubed |
QCausesValidation | Contains The 'CausesValidation' property options used by buttons which take actions on Forms and controls. |
QCheckBox_CodeGenerator | |
QCheckBoxBase_CodeGenerator | |
QCheckBoxList_CodeGenerator | |
QCheckBoxListBase_CodeGenerator | |
QControl_CodeGenerator | |
QControlBase_CodeGenerator | |
QControlCategoryType | Control categories, used by the ModelConnectorEditDlg to pair controls with database types or relationships * |
QControlProxy | Class QControlProxy is used to 'proxy' the actions for another control |
QCrossScripting | Modes of CrossScripting (XSS) attack preventions supported by QCubed |
QCryptography | Class QCryptography: Helps in encrypting and decrypting data It depends on the mcrypt module. |
QCss | An abstract utility class to handle Css manipulation. All methods are statically available. |
QCursor | Contains the CSS styles one can put for the cursor on a "div". |
QDatabaseFieldBase | This is the Base Class for ALL classes in the system. It provides proper error handling of property getters and setters. It also provides the OverrideAttribute functionality. |
QDatabaseResultBase | Class to handle results sent by database upon querying |
QDataGrid_CodeGenerator | Code generator for the DataGrid2 object. |
QDataGridBase_CodeGenerator | Code generator for the DataGrid2 object. |
QDatepicker_BeforeShowDayEvent | Type:Function( Date date )Default:nullA function that takes a date as a parameter and must return an array with: |
QDatepicker_BeforeShowEvent | Type:Function( Element input, Object inst )Default:nullA function that takes an input field and current datepicker instance and returns an options object to update the datepicker with. It is called just before the datepicker is displayed. |
QDatepicker_CalculateWeekEvent | Type:Function()Default:jQuery.datepicker.iso8601WeekA function to calculate the week of the year for a given date. The default implementation uses the ISO 8601 definition: weeks start on a Monday; the first week of the year contains the first Thursday of the year. |
QDatepicker_ChangeMonthYearEvent | Type:Function( Integer year, Integer month, Object inst )Default:nullCalled when the datepicker moves to a new month and/or year. The function receives the selected year, month (1-12), and the datepicker instance as parameters. this refers to the associated input field. |
QDatepicker_CloseEvent | Type:Function( String dateText, Object inst )Default:nullCalled when the datepicker is closed, whether or not a date is selected. The function receives the selected date as text ("" if none) and the datepicker instance as parameters. this refers to the associated input field. |
QDatepicker_SelectEvent | Type:Function( String dateText, Object inst )Default:nullCalled when the datepicker is selected. The function receives the selected date as text and the datepicker instance as parameters. this refers to the associated input field. |
QDatepicker_SelectEvent2 | Class QDatepicker_SelectEvent2 Use this class instead of the QDatepicker_SelectEvent. The QDatepicker_SelectEvent will cause the datepicker to not function correctly. The problem is related to how the datepicker is implemented on the JQueryUI end. They have been meaning to do a rewrite for quite some time, but have not gotten to that. |
QDatepickerBox_BeforeShowDayEvent | Type:Function( Date date )Default:nullA function that takes a date as a parameter and must return an array with: |
QDatepickerBox_BeforeShowEvent | Type:Function( Element input, Object inst )Default:nullA function that takes an input field and current datepicker instance and returns an options object to update the datepicker with. It is called just before the datepicker is displayed. |
QDatepickerBox_CalculateWeekEvent | Type:Function()Default:jQuery.datepicker.iso8601WeekA function to calculate the week of the year for a given date. The default implementation uses the ISO 8601 definition: weeks start on a Monday; the first week of the year contains the first Thursday of the year. |
QDatepickerBox_ChangeMonthYearEvent | Type:Function( Integer year, Integer month, Object inst )Default:nullCalled when the datepicker moves to a new month and/or year. The function receives the selected year, month (1-12), and the datepicker instance as parameters. this refers to the associated input field. |
QDatepickerBox_CloseEvent | Type:Function( String dateText, Object inst )Default:nullCalled when the datepicker is closed, whether or not a date is selected. The function receives the selected date as text ("" if none) and the datepicker instance as parameters. this refers to the associated input field. |
QDatepickerBox_CodeGenerator | |
QDatepickerBox_SelectEvent | Type:Function( String dateText, Object inst )Default:nullCalled when the datepicker is selected. The function receives the selected date as text and the datepicker instance as parameters. this refers to the associated input field. |
QDatepickerBoxBase_CodeGenerator | |
QDateTime | QDateTime This DateTime class provides a nice wrapper around the PHP DateTime class, which is included with all versions of PHP >= 5.2.0. It includes many enhancements, including the ability to specify a null date or time portion to represent a date only or time only object. Inherits from the php DateTime object, and the built-in methods are available for you to call as well. In particular, note that the built-in format, and the qFormat routines here take different specifiers. Feel free to use either. |
QDateTimePicker_CodeGenerator | |
QDateTimePickerBase_CodeGenerator | |
QDateTimePickerFormat | Order in which the listboxes of QDateTimePicker are shown/rendered |
QDateTimePickerType | Contains the display options for the QDateTimePicker control |
QDateTimeSpan | Class QDateTimeSpan: This class is used to calculate the time difference between two dates (including time) |
QDbBackedFormStateHandler | This will store the formstate in a pre-specified table in the DB. This offers significant speed advantage over PHP SESSION because EACH form state is saved in its own row in the DB, and only the form state that is needed for loading will be accessed (as opposed to with session, ALL the form states are loaded into memory every time). |
QDialog_BeforeCloseEvent | Triggered when a dialog is about to close. If canceled, the dialog will not close. |
QDialog_ButtonEvent | Special event to handle button clicks. |
QDialog_CloseEvent | Triggered when the dialog is closed. |
QDialog_CreateEvent | Triggered when the dialog is created. |
QDialog_DragEvent | Triggered while the dialog is being dragged. |
QDialog_DragStartEvent | Triggered when the user starts dragging the dialog. |
QDialog_DragStopEvent | Triggered after the dialog has been dragged. |
QDialog_FocusEvent | Triggered when the dialog gains focus. |
QDialog_OpenEvent | Triggered when the dialog is opened. |
QDialog_ResizeEvent | Triggered while the dialog is being resized. |
QDialog_ResizeStartEvent | Triggered when the user starts resizing the dialog. |
QDialog_ResizeStopEvent | Triggered after the dialog has been resized. |
QDisplayStyle | Contains the type of 'display' (CSS) style one can use for QControls |
QDraggable_CreateEvent | Triggered when the draggable is created. |
QDraggable_DragEvent | Triggered while the mouse is moved during the dragging, immediately before the current move happens. |
QDraggable_StartEvent | Triggered when dragging starts. |
QDraggable_StopEvent | Triggered when dragging stops. |
QDroppable_ActivateEvent | Triggered when an accepted draggable starts dragging. This can be useful if you want to make the droppable "light up" when it can be dropped on. |
QDroppable_CreateEvent | Triggered when the droppable is created. |
QDroppable_DeactivateEvent | Triggered when an accepted draggable stops dragging. |
QDroppable_DropEvent | Triggered when an accepted draggable is dropped on the droppable (based on thetolerance option). |
QDroppable_OutEvent | Triggered when an accepted draggable is dragged out of the droppable (based on thetolerance option). |
QDroppable_OverEvent | Triggered when an accepted draggable is dragged over the droppable (based on thetolerance option). |
QEmailAttachment | This is the Base Class for ALL classes in the system. It provides proper error handling of property getters and setters. It also provides the OverrideAttribute functionality. |
QEmailMessage | An email message that you can send with QEmailServer |
QEmailServer | This EmailServer (and its dependent EmailMessage class) allows the application to send messages via any accessible SMTP server. |
QEmailStringAttachment | This is the Base Class for ALL classes in the system. It provides proper error handling of property getters and setters. It also provides the OverrideAttribute functionality. |
QErrorAttribute | |
QFile | Class QFile: Handles reading and writing of files on the file system |
QFileAssetType | Contains the FileAssetType for an uploaded type. Is used in the upload controls |
QFileFormStateHandler | This will store the formstate in a pre-specified directory on the file system. This offers significant speed advantage over PHP SESSION because EACH form state is saved in its own file, and only the form state that is needed for loading will be accessed (as opposed to with session, ALL the form states are loaded into memory every time). |
QFloatTextBox_CodeGenerator | |
QFloatTextBoxBase_CodeGenerator | |
QFolder | Class QFolder: Handles folders located on your filesystem. |
QFormGen | Class QFormGen For specifying the FormGen param value. Declares what to generate for the given database object. |
QFormStateHandler | Class QFormStateHandler This is the default FormState handler, storing the base64 encoded session data (and if requested by QForm, encrypted) as a hidden form variable on the page, itself. It is meant to be a "quick and dirty" handler that works in limited situations. |
QGridLines | Class QGridLines: Set the gridlines which have to be rendered for a QDataGrid. HTML5 no longer supports the "rules" attributes, so this is now handled in CSS by adding a particular class to the table. So the text below corresponds to class names added to the table. |
QHListControl | Class QHListControl |
QHorizontalAlign | Class QHorizontalAlign: Horizontal alignment of a QControl (mostly the text of the control) |
QHtml | An abstract utility class to handle Html tag rendering, as well as utilities to render pieces of HTML and CSS code. All methods are static. |
QHtmlReporter | |
QHtmlTable_CodeGenerator | This is a base class to support classes that are derived from QHtmlTable. The methods here support the use of QHtmlTable derived classes as a list connector, something that displays a list of records from a database, and optionally allows the user to do CRUD operations on individual records. |
QHtmlTableCallableColumn | A type of column that lets you use a PHP 'callable'. However, you CANNOT send a PHP closure to this, since closures are not serializable. You CAN do things like array($this, 'method'), or 'Class::StaticMethod'. |
QHtmlTableCheckBoxColumn | |
QHtmlTableCheckBoxColumn_ClickEvent | Click event: when the control recieves a mouse click |
QHtmlTableIndexedColumn | A type of column that should be used when the DataSource items are arrays |
QHtmlTableLinkColumn | Class QHtmlTableLinkColumn |
QHtmlTableNodeColumn | Class QHtmlTableNodeColumn |
QHtmlTablePropertyColumn | Displays a property of an object, as in $object->Property If your DataSource is an array of objects, use this column to display a particular property of each object. Can search with depth to, as in $obj->Prop1->Prop2. |
QI18n | Factory class for translations |
QImageType | Image Formats |
QInformixPdoDatabaseField | QInformixPdoDatabaseField |
QInformixPdoDatabaseResult | QInformixPdoDatabaseResult: Class to handle results sent by database upon querying |
QInformixPdoDatabaseRow | QInformixPdoDatabaseRow |
QInstallationValidationResult | |
QInstallationValidator | |
QIntegerTextBox_CodeGenerator | |
QIntegerTextBoxBase_CodeGenerator | |
QJqButton_CreateEvent | Triggered when the button is created. |
QJqCheckBox_CreateEvent | Triggered when the button is created. |
QJqRadioButton_CreateEvent | Triggered when the button is created. |
QJsClosure | Class QJsClosure |
QJsFunction | Class QJsFunction Outputs a function call to a global function or function in an object referenced from global space. The purpose of this is to immediately use the results of the function call, as opposed to a closure, which stores a pointer to a function that is used later. |
QJsNoQuoteKey | Wrapper class for arrays to control whether the key in the array is quoted. In some situations, a quoted key has a different meaning from a non-quoted key. For example, when making a list of parameters to pass when calling the jQuery $() command, (i.e. $j(selector, params)), quoted words are turned into parameters, and non-quoted words are turned into functions. For example, "size" will set the size attribute of the object, and size (no quotes), will call the size() function on the object. |
QJsParameterList | Class QJsonParameterList A Wrapper class that will render an array without the brackets, so that it becomes a variable length parameter list. |
QJsPriority | Class for enumerating Javascript priority. These are taken out of a parameter list, and so are very unlikely strings to include normally. |
QJsVarName | Class QJsVarName Outputs a string without quotes to specify a global variable name. Strings are normally quoted. Dot notation can be used to specify items within globals. |
QLabel_CodeGenerator | |
QLabelBase_CodeGenerator | |
QLexer | This is the Base Class for ALL classes in the system. It provides proper error handling of property getters and setters. It also provides the OverrideAttribute functionality. |
QListBox_CodeGenerator | |
QListBoxBase_CodeGenerator | |
QListControl_CodeGenerator | |
QListControlBase_CodeGenerator | |
QMenu | Class QMenu derived from QMenuBase. It implements a JQuery UI Menu |
QMenu_BlurEvent | Triggered when the menu loses focus. |
QMenu_CreateEvent | Triggered when the menu is created. |
QMenu_FocusEvent | Triggered when a menu gains focus or when any menu item is activated. |
QMenu_SelectEvent | Triggered when a menu item is selected. |
QMimeType | Class QMimeType: Helps determine MIME type of a file residing on the server |
QModelConnectorArgumentType | Class QModelConnectorArgumentType Model connectors are created by input received from multiple sources. This class enumerates the three. Refer to any DataGrid connector class's AddEditLinkColumn method to see how this is used |
QModelConnectorCreateType | Modes supported by model connectors for creation of new controls |
QModelConnectorEditDlg | Class QModelConnectorEditDlg |
QModelConnectorOptions | Interface to the ModelConnector options that let you specify various options per field to be placed in the codegened ModelConnectorrolGen classes. |
QModelConnectorParam | Class QModelConnectorParam |
QMultiLevelCacheProvider | A multi-level Cache provider that's made of multiple cache providers. Cache hit is checked in the order the cache providers are set Setting or deleting into the cache sets or deletes it from all the providers |
QMySqlDatabaseResult | Class to handle results sent by database upon querying |
QNoScriptAjaxAction | A wrapper class for generating an ajax action with no script. This is helpful in situations where data will be returned to the javascript object later. |
QOracleDatabaseField | This is the Base Class for ALL classes in the system. It provides proper error handling of property getters and setters. It also provides the OverrideAttribute functionality. |
QOracleDatabaseResult | Class to handle results sent by database upon querying |
QOrderedListType | Class QOrderedListType For specifying how to number an ordered html list. Goes in the type attribute. |
QOverflow | Contains/Defines Overflow CSS Styles to be used on QControls |
QPartialQueryBuilder | Subclasses QQueryBuilder to handle the building of conditions for conditional expansions, subqueries, etc. Since regular queries use WhereClauses for conditions, we just use the where clause portion, and only build a condition clause appropriate for a conditional expansion. |
QPdoDatabaseResult | Class QPdoDatabaseResult: Class to handle results sent by database upon querying |
QPgConditionILike | Class QPgQConditionILike: For performing case insensitive search in PostgreSQL |
QPgConditionJsonContains | Class QPgConditionJsonContainsValue: For performing '@>' JSON contains search in JSONB documents |
QPgQ | Class QPgQ: PostgreSQL specific querying which is not covered in QCubed base |
QPosition | Contains options for the CSS 'position' property. |
QPostgreSqlPdoDatabaseField | QPostgreSqlPdoDatabaseField |
QPostgreSqlPdoDatabaseResult | QPostgreSqlPdoDatabaseResult: Class to handle results sent by database upon querying |
QPostgreSqlPdoDatabaseRow | QPostgreSqlPdoDatabaseRow |
QProgressbar_ChangeEvent | Triggered when the value of the progressbar changes. |
QProgressbar_CompleteEvent | Triggered when the value of the progressbar reaches the maximum value. |
QProgressbar_CreateEvent | Triggered when the progressbar is created. |
QQAggregationClause | This is the Base Class for ALL classes in the system. It provides proper error handling of property getters and setters. It also provides the OverrideAttribute functionality. |
QQAssociationNode | Class QQAssociationNode |
QQAverage | This is the Base Class for ALL classes in the system. It provides proper error handling of property getters and setters. It also provides the OverrideAttribute functionality. |
QQClause | This is the Base Class for ALL classes in the system. It provides proper error handling of property getters and setters. It also provides the OverrideAttribute functionality. |
QQColumnNode | Class QQColumnNode A node that represents a column in a table. |
QQCondition | This is the Base Class for ALL classes in the system. It provides proper error handling of property getters and setters. It also provides the OverrideAttribute functionality. |
QQConditionAll | This is the Base Class for ALL classes in the system. It provides proper error handling of property getters and setters. It also provides the OverrideAttribute functionality. |
QQConditionAnd | This is the Base Class for ALL classes in the system. It provides proper error handling of property getters and setters. It also provides the OverrideAttribute functionality. |
QQConditionBetween | This is the Base Class for ALL classes in the system. It provides proper error handling of property getters and setters. It also provides the OverrideAttribute functionality. |
QQConditionComparison | This is the Base Class for ALL classes in the system. It provides proper error handling of property getters and setters. It also provides the OverrideAttribute functionality. |
QQConditionEqual | This is the Base Class for ALL classes in the system. It provides proper error handling of property getters and setters. It also provides the OverrideAttribute functionality. |
QQConditionExists | This is the Base Class for ALL classes in the system. It provides proper error handling of property getters and setters. It also provides the OverrideAttribute functionality. |
QQConditionGreaterOrEqual | This is the Base Class for ALL classes in the system. It provides proper error handling of property getters and setters. It also provides the OverrideAttribute functionality. |
QQConditionGreaterThan | This is the Base Class for ALL classes in the system. It provides proper error handling of property getters and setters. It also provides the OverrideAttribute functionality. |
QQConditionIn | This is the Base Class for ALL classes in the system. It provides proper error handling of property getters and setters. It also provides the OverrideAttribute functionality. |
QQConditionIsNotNull | This is the Base Class for ALL classes in the system. It provides proper error handling of property getters and setters. It also provides the OverrideAttribute functionality. |
QQConditionIsNull | Class QQConditionIsNull Represent a test for a null item in the database. |
QQConditionLessOrEqual | This is the Base Class for ALL classes in the system. It provides proper error handling of property getters and setters. It also provides the OverrideAttribute functionality. |
QQConditionLessThan | This is the Base Class for ALL classes in the system. It provides proper error handling of property getters and setters. It also provides the OverrideAttribute functionality. |
QQConditionLike | This is the Base Class for ALL classes in the system. It provides proper error handling of property getters and setters. It also provides the OverrideAttribute functionality. |
QQConditionLogical | This is the Base Class for ALL classes in the system. It provides proper error handling of property getters and setters. It also provides the OverrideAttribute functionality. |
QQConditionNone | This is the Base Class for ALL classes in the system. It provides proper error handling of property getters and setters. It also provides the OverrideAttribute functionality. |
QQConditionNot | This is the Base Class for ALL classes in the system. It provides proper error handling of property getters and setters. It also provides the OverrideAttribute functionality. |
QQConditionNotBetween | This is the Base Class for ALL classes in the system. It provides proper error handling of property getters and setters. It also provides the OverrideAttribute functionality. |
QQConditionNotEqual | This is the Base Class for ALL classes in the system. It provides proper error handling of property getters and setters. It also provides the OverrideAttribute functionality. |
QQConditionNotExists | This is the Base Class for ALL classes in the system. It provides proper error handling of property getters and setters. It also provides the OverrideAttribute functionality. |
QQConditionNotIn | This is the Base Class for ALL classes in the system. It provides proper error handling of property getters and setters. It also provides the OverrideAttribute functionality. |
QQConditionNotLike | This is the Base Class for ALL classes in the system. It provides proper error handling of property getters and setters. It also provides the OverrideAttribute functionality. |
QQConditionOr | This is the Base Class for ALL classes in the system. It provides proper error handling of property getters and setters. It also provides the OverrideAttribute functionality. |
QQCount | This is the Base Class for ALL classes in the system. It provides proper error handling of property getters and setters. It also provides the OverrideAttribute functionality. |
QQDistinct | This is the Base Class for ALL classes in the system. It provides proper error handling of property getters and setters. It also provides the OverrideAttribute functionality. |
QQExpand | This is the Base Class for ALL classes in the system. It provides proper error handling of property getters and setters. It also provides the OverrideAttribute functionality. |
QQExpandAsArray | This is the Base Class for ALL classes in the system. It provides proper error handling of property getters and setters. It also provides the OverrideAttribute functionality. |
QQExpandVirtualNode | This is the Base Class for ALL classes in the system. It provides proper error handling of property getters and setters. It also provides the OverrideAttribute functionality. |
QQFunctionNode | Class QQColumnNode A node that represents a column in a table. |
QQGroupBy | This is the Base Class for ALL classes in the system. It provides proper error handling of property getters and setters. It also provides the OverrideAttribute functionality. |
QQHavingClause | This is the Base Class for ALL classes in the system. It provides proper error handling of property getters and setters. It also provides the OverrideAttribute functionality. |
QQLimitInfo | This is the Base Class for ALL classes in the system. It provides proper error handling of property getters and setters. It also provides the OverrideAttribute functionality. |
QQMathNode | Class QQColumnNode A node that represents a column in a table. |
QQMaximum | This is the Base Class for ALL classes in the system. It provides proper error handling of property getters and setters. It also provides the OverrideAttribute functionality. |
QQMinimum | This is the Base Class for ALL classes in the system. It provides proper error handling of property getters and setters. It also provides the OverrideAttribute functionality. |
QQNamedValue | Class QQNamedValue |
QQNode | The abstract QQNode base class. This represents an "object" in a SQL join tree. There are a number of different subclasses of the QQNode, depending on the kind of object represented. The top of the join tree is generally a table node, and the bottom is generally a column node, but that depends on the context in which the node is being used. |
QQNoParentNode | Class QQColumnNode A node that represents a column in a table. |
QQOrderBy | Class QQOrderBy: Represents an 'ORDER BY' statement on SQL/DB level |
QQReverseReferenceNode | Class QQReverseReferenceNode |
QQSelect | This is the Base Class for ALL classes in the system. It provides proper error handling of property getters and setters. It also provides the OverrideAttribute functionality. |
QQSubQueryCountNode | Class QQColumnNode A node that represents a column in a table. |
QQSubQueryNode | Class QQColumnNode A node that represents a column in a table. |
QQSubQuerySqlNode | Class QQColumnNode A node that represents a column in a table. |
QQSum | This is the Base Class for ALL classes in the system. It provides proper error handling of property getters and setters. It also provides the OverrideAttribute functionality. |
QQTableNode | Class QQTableNode A node that represents a regular table. This can either be a root of the query node chain, or a forward looking foreign key (as in one-to-one relationship). |
QQuery | |
QQueryBuilder | QQueryBuilder class |
QQueryExpansion | Utility object used by the Code Generator and the generated data objects to assist with Early Binding of referenced objects for Manual Queries (e.g. Beta 2-style Queries) |
QQVirtualNode | Class QQColumnNode A node that represents a column in a table. |
QRadioButtonList_CodeGenerator | |
QRadioButtonListBase_CodeGenerator | |
QRegex | This is the Base Class for ALL classes in the system. It provides proper error handling of property getters and setters. It also provides the OverrideAttribute functionality. |
QRepeatDirection | Class QRepeatDirection: Set the direction in which QRadioButtonList and QCheckBoxList will be repeated |
QRequestMode | This is an enumerator class for listing Request Modes |
QResizable_CreateEvent | Triggered when the resizable is created. |
QResizable_ResizeEvent | This event is triggered during the resize, on the drag of the resize handler. |
QResizable_StartEvent | This event is triggered at the start of a resize operation. |
QResizable_StopEvent | This event is triggered at the end of a resize operation. |
QResizeHandleDirection | Class QResizeHandleDirection: [Currently Unused] |
QRssCategory | This is the Base Class for ALL classes in the system. It provides proper error handling of property getters and setters. It also provides the OverrideAttribute functionality. |
QRssFeed | This is the Base Class for ALL classes in the system. It provides proper error handling of property getters and setters. It also provides the OverrideAttribute functionality. |
QRssImage | This is the Base Class for ALL classes in the system. It provides proper error handling of property getters and setters. It also provides the OverrideAttribute functionality. |
QRssItem | This is the Base Class for ALL classes in the system. It provides proper error handling of property getters and setters. It also provides the OverrideAttribute functionality. |
QSampleTranslation | Extend this class to create different translation objects |
QSelectable_CreateEvent | Triggered when the selectable is created. |
QSelectable_SelectedEvent | Triggered at the end of the select operation, on each element added to the selection. |
QSelectable_SelectingEvent | Triggered during the select operation, on each element added to the selection. |
QSelectable_StartEvent | Triggered at the beginning of the select operation. |
QSelectable_StopEvent | Triggered at the end of the select operation. |
QSelectable_UnselectedEvent | Triggered at the end of the select operation, on each element removed from the selection. |
QSelectable_UnselectingEvent | Triggered during the select operation, on each element removed from the selection. |
QSelectionMode | Used usually for QListBoxes, it contains the 'multiple' option for select drop-down boxes |
QSelectMenu_ChangeEvent | Triggered when the selected item has changed. Not every select event will fire a change event. |
QSelectMenu_CloseEvent | Triggered when the menu is hidden. |
QSelectMenu_CreateEvent | Triggered when the selectmenu is created. |
QSelectMenu_FocusEvent | Triggered when an items gains focus. |
QSelectMenu_OpenEvent | Triggered when the menu is opened. |
QSelectMenu_SelectEvent | Triggered when a menu item is selected. |
QSessionFormStateHandler | Session-based FormState handler. Uses PHP Sessions to store the form state. |
QSlider_ChangeEvent | Triggered after the user slides a handle, if the value has changed; or if the value is changed programmatically via the value method. |
QSlider_CodeGenerator | |
QSlider_CreateEvent | Triggered when the slider is created. |
QSlider_SlideEvent | Triggered on every mouse move during slide. The value provided in the event as ui.value represents the value that the handle will have as a result of the current movement. Canceling the event will prevent the handle from moving and the handle will continue to have its previous value. |
QSlider_StartEvent | Triggered when the user starts sliding. |
QSlider_StopEvent | Triggered after the user slides a handle. |
QSliderBase_CodeGenerator | |
QSoapMethod | This is the Base Class for ALL classes in the system. It provides proper error handling of property getters and setters. It also provides the OverrideAttribute functionality. |
QSoapParameter | This is the Base Class for ALL classes in the system. It provides proper error handling of property getters and setters. It also provides the OverrideAttribute functionality. |
QSoapService | This is the Base Class for ALL classes in the system. It provides proper error handling of property getters and setters. It also provides the OverrideAttribute functionality. |
QSortable_ActivateEvent | This event is triggered when using connected lists, every connected list on drag start receives it. |
QSortable_BeforeStopEvent | This event is triggered when sorting stops, but when the placeholder/helper is still available. |
QSortable_ChangeEvent | This event is triggered during sorting, but only when the DOM position has changed. |
QSortable_CreateEvent | Triggered when the sortable is created. |
QSortable_DeactivateEvent | This event is triggered when sorting was stopped, is propagated to all possible connected lists. |
QSortable_OutEvent | This event is triggered when a sortable item is moved away from a sortable list. |
QSortable_OverEvent | This event is triggered when a sortable item is moved into a sortable list. |
QSortable_ReceiveEvent | This event is triggered when an item from a connected sortable list has been dropped into another list. The latter is the event target. |
QSortable_RemoveEvent | This event is triggered when a sortable item from the list has been dropped into another. The former is the event target. |
QSortable_SortEvent | This event is triggered during sorting. |
QSortable_StartEvent | This event is triggered when sorting starts. |
QSortable_StopEvent | This event is triggered when sorting has stopped. |
QSortable_UpdateEvent | This event is triggered when the user stopped sorting and the DOM position has changed. |
QSpinner | Class QSpinner |
QSpinner_ChangeEvent | Triggered when the value of the spinner has changed and the input is no longer focused. |
QSpinner_CreateEvent | Triggered when the spinner is created. |
QSpinner_SpinEvent | Triggered during increment/decrement (to determine direction of spin compare current value with ui.value). |
QSpinner_StartEvent | Triggered before a spin. Can be canceled, preventing the spin from occurring. |
QSpinner_StopEvent | Triggered after a spin. |
QSqLite3PdoDatabaseField | QSqLite3PdoDatabaseField |
QSqLite3PdoDatabaseResult | QSqLite3PdoDatabaseResult: Class to handle results sent by database upon querying |
QSqLite3PdoDatabaseRow | QSqLite3PdoDatabaseRow |
QStack | An DataType class for the Stack data type. |
QString | An abstract utility class to handle string manipulation. All methods are statically available. |
QTabs_ActivateEvent | Triggered after a tab has been activated (after animation completes). If the tabs were previously collapsed, ui.oldTab and ui.oldPanel will be empty jQuery objects. If the tabs are collapsing, ui.newTab and ui.newPanel will be empty jQuery objects. Note: Since the activate event is only fired on tab activation, it is not fired for the initial tab when the tabs widget is created. If you need a hook for widget creation use the create event. |
QTabs_BeforeActivateEvent | Triggered immediately before a tab is activated. Can be canceled to prevent the tab from activating. If the tabs are currently collapsed, ui.oldTab and ui.oldPanel will be empty jQuery objects. If the tabs are collapsing, ui.newTab and ui.newPanel will be empty jQuery objects. |
QTabs_BeforeLoadEvent | Triggered when a remote tab is about to be loaded, after the beforeActivate event. Can be canceled to prevent the tab panel from loading content; though the panel will still be activated. This event is triggered just before the Ajax request is made, so modifications can be made to ui.jqXHR and ui.ajaxSettings. |
QTabs_CreateEvent | Triggered when the tabs are created. If the tabs are collapsed, and ui.panel will be empty jQuery objects. |
QTabs_LoadEvent | Triggered after a remote tab has been loaded. |
QTag | QTag Code that encapsulates the rendering of an HTML tag. This can be used to render simple tags without the overhead of the QControl mechanism. |
QTestForm | |
QTextAlign | Contains the text alignment CSS style options |
QTextBox_CodeGenerator | |
QTextBoxBase_CodeGenerator | |
QTextMode | The type of textboxes you can create. Most correspond to the input "type" attribute. |
QTimer | QTimer class can help you lightweight profiling of your applications. Use it to measure how long tasks take. |
QTranslationPoParser | Extend this class to create different translation objects |
QType | Type Library to add some support for strongly named types. |
QUnorderedListStyle | Class QUnorderedListStyle For specifying what to dislay in an unordered html list. Goes in the list-style-type style. |
QVerticalAlign | Class QVerticalAlign: Vertical alignment of a QControl |
QVirtualAttributeColumn | |
QWatcher | |
QWatcherBase | QWatcher is a helper class that allows controls and forms to watch database tables and automatically redraw when changes are detected. It works together with the codegened model classes, the controls, and the QForm class to draw or refresh when needed. |
QWatcherCache | QWatcher is a helper class that allows controls and forms to watch database tables and automatically redraw when changes are detected. It works together with the codegened model classes, the controls, and the QForm class to draw or refresh when needed. |
QWatcherDB | QWatcher is a helper class that allows controls and forms to watch database tables and automatically redraw when changes are detected. It works together with the codegened model classes, the controls, and the QForm class to draw or refresh when needed. |
QWatcherNone | QWatcher is a helper class that allows controls and forms to watch database tables and automatically redraw when changes are detected. It works together with the codegened model classes, the controls, and the QForm class to draw or refresh when needed. |
SampleComposite | This is a completely custom QControl and it is also a composite control, meaning it utilizes several individual QControls (e.g. a QLabel and two QButtons) to make one larger control. |
SelectForm |
ICacheAction | The interface for cache actions to be queued and replayed. |
QDataList_CodeGenerator_Interface | This interface describes the minimum functions to implement in order to create a code generator for a data list. See QHtmlTable_CodeGenerator for an example |
QTranslationBase | Extend this class to create different translation objects |
QDataBinder | Trait QDataBinder The QDataBinder trait encapsulates the functionality of data binding for multiple controls that would like to make use of it. Data binding lets you only recall data during draw time, thus saving space, because the data is not saved with the formstate. Controls that use this will have to be sure to unload the data after drawing as needed. |
QModelTrait | Class QModelTrait |
QCallerException | This is the main exception to be thrown by any method to indicate that the CALLER is responsible for causing the exception. This works in conjunction with QCubed's error handling/reporting, so that the correct file/line-number is displayed to the user. |
QCryptographyException | Class QCryptographyException: If an exception occurs in the QCryptography class, we use this one to handle |
QDataBindException | |
QDateTimeNullException | This is the main exception to be thrown by any method to indicate that the CALLER is responsible for causing the exception. This works in conjunction with QCubed's error handling/reporting, so that the correct file/line-number is displayed to the user. |
QEmailException | This is the main exception to be thrown by any method to indicate that the CALLER is responsible for causing the exception. This works in conjunction with QCubed's error handling/reporting, so that the correct file/line-number is displayed to the user. |
QIndexOutOfRangeException | Thrown when trying to access an element in an array whose index does not exist NOTE: this exception will not fire automatically for you unless you use it with the try-catch block |
QInformixPdoDatabaseException | QInformixPdoDatabaseException |
QInvalidCastException | The exception that is thrown by QType::Cast if an invalid cast is performed. InvalidCastException derives from CallerException, and therefore should be handled similar to how CallerExceptions are handled (e.g. IncrementOffset should be called whenever an InvalidCastException is caught and rethrown). |
QInvalidFormStateException | Thrown when formstate is not found |
QOptimisticLockingException | Thrown when optimistic locking (in ORM Save() method) detects that DB data was updated |
QPdoDatabaseException | PdoDatabaseException |
QPoParserException | This is the main exception to be thrown by any method to indicate that the CALLER is responsible for causing the exception. This works in conjunction with QCubed's error handling/reporting, so that the correct file/line-number is displayed to the user. |
QPostgreSqlPdoDatabaseException | QPostgreSqlPdoDatabaseException |
QRemoteAdminDeniedException | Thrown when the desired page is protected by ALLOW REMOTE ADMIN feature and the request does not qualify |
QSqLite3PdoDatabaseException | QSqLite3PdoDatabaseException |
QUndefinedMethodException | Thrown when we try to call an undefined method. Helpful for codegen. |
QUndefinedPrimaryKeyException | Used when trying to access a table object which does not have a primary key defined on it |
QUndefinedPropertyException | Thrown when a particular property of class is not defined and we try to access it |
__database_check_error | |
_b | Standard Print as Block function. To aid with possible cross-scripting vulnerabilities, this will automatically perform htmlspecialchars unless otherwise specified. |
_indent | Adds an indent to the beginning of every non-empty line in the string, for the purpose of indenting the text once to the right so it is easier to read when viewing source in a browser and debugging javascript. |
_nl | Returns a newline for generating html, only if we are not in MINIMIZE mode. Do NOT use for generating newlines inside of strings. The primary purpose of this function is to make HTML and other code that will appear in a browser more readable and easier to debug in development mode. |
_p | Standard Print function. To aid with possible cross-scripting vulnerabilities, this will automatically perform QApplication::HtmlEntities() unless otherwise specified. |
_r | Render the control, checking for existence. |
_t | Standard Print-Translated functions. |
_tp | Translate and print encoded for html. |
_tr | Translate |
array_trim | |
beginsWith | |
CamelCaseFromDash | |
CastToInt | |
DisplayMonospacedText | |
endsWith | |
jq_anytime_gen | |
jq_control_gen | |
jq_inc_gen | |
jq_indent | |
PrintExplainStatement | |
PrintInstructions | |
QcubedHandleCodeGenParseError | |
QcubedHandleError | |
QcubedHandleException | |
QCubedShutdown | Some errors are not caught by a php custom error handler, which can cause the system to silently fail. This shutdown function will catch those errors. |
QDateTimeErrorHandler | |
trimOffEnd | |
trimOffFront |