Class QJsNoQuoteKey
Wrapper class for arrays to control whether the key in the array is quoted. In some situations, a quoted key has a different meaning from a non-quoted key. For example, when making a list of parameters to pass when calling the jQuery $() command, (i.e. $j(selector, params)), quoted words are turned into parameters, and non-quoted words are turned into functions. For example, "size" will set the size attribute of the object, and size (no quotes), will call the size() function on the object.
To use it, simply wrap the value part of the array with this class.
- QJsNoQuoteKey implements JsonSerializable
$a = array ("click", new QJsNoQuoteKey (new QJsClosure('alert ("I was clicked")')));
Located at includes/framework/JavaScriptHelper.class.php
Located at includes/framework/JavaScriptHelper.class.php